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Other Properties

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In Vietnam, Most of schools and hospital are run by themselves. However, with the eco-socio development, many international schools and hospitals are established with modern equipments in high-rise building. In order to maintain these properties in good and effective condition, the presence of professional property management company such as PMC is very essential.

Education Properties

In recently, many educational institutions are facing with the degradation of equipments and facilities because of improper maintenance and operation. PMC is aware that actual situation can affected seriously to educational quality and teacher enthusiasm. Therefore, PMC provides entire service including maintenance and operation of educational equipments and facilities. With our service, board of school manager and teachers can absolutely have peace in mind about facility and equipment quality; so that, they can focus on improving teaching and studying quality.

 Healthcare Properties

PMC understands the challenges of working within the strenuous environments of healthcare. So that, we establish services to built the most comfortable and safety working space for the doctors, nurses and healthcare staff. Having peace in mind, they can concentrate to enhance professional skills. Our personnel are trained for Infection Control procedures when working in operational areas to reduce risk to healthcare facility staff, patients and their families, visitors, and support services. Special care is also taken to minimize or eliminate when possible disruptions within the facility during shut-downs or tie-ins of new to existing systems.  Our goal is the satisfaction of healthcare staff, patients and their families.

Our services focus on:

  • Regularly operating and maintaining of facilities such as electric system, water drainages, HVAC system, Ventilation and fire safety system...
  • Regularly operating and maintaining of educational/healthcare equipments such as projector, microphone, computer, X-ray machine, testing machine.

Supplying services of cleaning, security, landscaping, etc. to keep a clear, safety and comfortable environment.